How am I Supposed to Overcome Procrastination?

I don’t think there really is a full step by step to do list when it comes to overcoming procrastination. I believe one of the biggest things to realize is that motivation won’t always be there. When I realized that, whether I like it or not; that’s when I really started moving towards where God wanted me to be. There are days where I am excited and ideas are pouring off of me like I’m standing under a waterfall; and other days, well, other days, I got absolutely nothing. Sometimes the idea’s are there but I just don’t have the desire to pick up a pen or pull out my laptop to write it down. Somedays I just want to sit on my bed, grab my tablet and watch YouTube, maybe movies, or a tv show I want to catch up on. Anything but what I know I should be doing. 

Sometimes you won’t have a full plan, and other times you will.

Most of the time it’s just starting somewhere, with one simple thing to avoid overwhelming yourself. For example, my blog; this is the only social media I am currently working on because I know me. I know if I try to relaunch every single social media at one time, I will get overwhelmed, which will eventually lead to me doing nothing: at all.

It will lead to me not only neglecting my channels of marketing, but I will also start to neglect my blog again. Did I tell you this is my third time relaunching? I know I’ve never been a social media person, it’s not really something I’ve been into; the idea of posting consistently on multiple apps does not make me excited, if anything it makes me anxious. Having to think about different ideas, how to make this post and video fit perfectly, what times should I post, and the most famous of all; how in the world do I figure out this algorithm thing.

I wish I could give you a set plan that I have used, that has been proven to work, especially for me. But I don’t have one; the only thing that I can say is just start. I’m sure you’ve heard that before because I have; I’ve heard it multiple times and no matter how many times I’ve heard it, it hasn’t always been as easy as just starting; because when you start you have to keep going, or you’re going to keep starting over and over again, stuck in a loop.

The one thing that has helped me, is knowing that God honors baby steps, were always thinking there has to be a whole plan for us to figure out from the beginning. But honestly, God doesn’t expect us to know the whole plan, that’s why seeking his Will is important.

If we knew the whole plan ahead of time, I don’t know if we would receive the growth that he has embedded in it for us. So, just start, pick one thing, focus on that, and build off of that. Simply put, the most important step in overcoming procrastination is overcoming inconsistency.  

Don’t just start; you must keep going.


Journal with Purpose.


Am I a Positive Person? - Journal with Me.